Remembering Dale Cobb, Jr.
NCDC lost a dear friend and faculty member, Dale Cobb, Jr. in April 2024. Dale was loved and respected by so many of us in the NCDC community and we are deeply saddened by this loss. His contributions to the College are immeasurable and we are forever grateful to him...
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Martin Luther King, Jr. As criminal defense attorneys, we might not always feel this to be true, but this week, as we celebrate Dr. King, it proved true in a landmark decision achieved by one of our...
Remembering James Shellow
One of NCDC’s founders, James Shellow, died on October 29, 2022 at his home in Milwaukee, WI. Jim was one of the most well known criminal defense lawyers in the country. He began practicing in 1961 after careers as an engineer and an accountant. While at Marquette...
Ramón Alvarado Memorial Scholarship Fund
The way that Ramón Alvarado lived his life was an inspiration to those who knew him, and continues to be even after his passing in 2020. Ramón Alvarado spent years working as a criminal defense attorney and established his own private practice in 2008, where more...
How Race and Racism Impact Litigation Strategy: Example from Paul Rudof
Race and Racism so often have an impact on our litigation strategies as criminal defenders. We owe it to all of our clients to push ourselves to see these issues in our cases. Our own NCDC faculty member Paul Rudof is doing just that in a powerful motion for a new...
NCDC Special Online Event- Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method
Register Now for Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method Join NCDC and Larry Pozner on April 8, 2022 from noon-4:30pm EST for this can't miss special event! NCDC Faculty Member Larry Pozner literally wrote the book on cross-examination, and that book revolutionized how...
Congrats to NCDC Cross Examination Winter Workshop Participants!
Congratulations on the successful completion of the NCDC Online Winter Cross Examination Workshop! Each participant's contributions added considerable value to the program and to the experience. Boundaries were pushed, skills were sharpened, and bonds were formed. A...
The NCDC Community Mourns the Passing and Celebrates the Incredible Contributions of Faculty Emeritus, Robert Fogelnest
Robert Fogelnest, known to his friends as “Bob” or “Fogie”, died at his home in San Miguel Allende Mexico on February 6, 2022. Robert had lived in San...
Cross-Examination Workshop Winter Session
Registration is NOW OPEN for the NCDC Online Cross-Examination Workshop which will take place January 13-February 11, 2022 via zoom. Born during the pandemic out of our hope to provide some version of our renowned in-person cross-examination workshop to all of our...
Lisa Wayne Appointed Executive Director of NACDL
Huge Congratulations to our loved and respected faculty member, LISA WAYNE on her selection as Executive Director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers! May you lead with tenacity and passion, as you do with all things that matter. Read the full...
Heather Rogers Confirmed as Santa Cruz Public Defender
We are so proud to announce that HEATHER ROGERS (our amazing faculty member) has been confirmed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz as Santa Cruz's first-ever Public Defender! Join us in a rousing affirmation of their incredibly smart decision to...
Final Day of NCDC Trial Practice Institute
Here is the Final Day Video for the August Session of the 2021 NCDC Trial Practice Institute:
T.P.I. – When You are Ready to be Great
Greetings from the National Criminal Defense College! We are cautiously excited to share news with everyone about the 2021 NCDC Trial Practice Institute. As everyone knows, we were unable to hold the NCDC Trial Practice Institute last year due to the COVID-19...
NCDC Gets a New Look
Beloved Defender Community, NCDC is proud to share our new beautiful logo. You will see the use of the full name of the College (the National Criminal Defense College) emphasizing Criminal Defense for the viewer. The flame from the previous logo is carried forward. It...
A Must Read Opinion Excoriating Police Officer Immunity from Judge Carlton Reeves
If you are waking up and looking for something to get your blood boiling, you ought to check out this amazing district court opinion written by Judge Carlton Reeves out of Mississippi. Judge Reeves is an African-American Obama appointee who was slated to speak at the...
In Tribute to John Lewis
REP. JOHN LEWIS ON PASSAGE OF FIRST STEP ACT December 20, 2018 Press Release “For too long, our nation’s criminal justice system has broken lives and ravaged communities across America. People of color and people without means are too often unfairly caught in a...
A Message from the Deans
Today, we proudly celebrate Juneteenth, the commemoration of the June 19, 1865 emancipation of the last people held in bondage in the United States. Texas slaveholders stubbornly refused to free the enslaved people or even to acknowledge the Confederacy’s defeat...
How Police Unions Became So Powerful
Hats off to NCDC Board Chair Ron Tyler and his colleague at Stanford Law School, Suzanne Luban, for shedding light on the problem of Police Unions that stand in the way of meaningful policing reforms. Watch the video here The National Criminal Defense College is a...
Trump Is Waiting to Take ‘Law and Order’ Into His Own Hands
Hats off to NCDC Faculty Member and Federal Defender Juval Scott who co-authored this piece in the New York Times refuting claims that Trump can use the military to quell protesters. These are scary times that require our vigilance and action. Read the New York Times...
A GIANT PASSES: A Tribute to Albert Krieger
Authored by Rick Kammen In 1983, after the National College for Criminal Defense, in Houston Texas had failed financially, Cat Bennett, Deryl Dantzler and Albert Krieger worked mightily to resurrect the college under the new name, the National Criminal Defense...